Ranked #1 Best Selling Baby Strollers

Jogging Stroller
#1 Best Selling Jogging Stroller

Travel System
#1 Best Selling Travel System

Baby Stroller
#1 Best Selling Standard Baby Stroller

Tandem Stroller
#1 Best Selling Tandem Stroller

Light Stroller
#1 Best Selling Lightweight Stroller
Best Baby Strollers Buyers Guide
1 – Jogging Strollers
These are the type of strollers my girlfriends like to use. One happens to be a hardcore marathoner and the other drinks too much wine. I’m somewhere in the middle but closer to the whine side of the scale as opposed to the wine side.
However, our Top Pick in this category is a Graco product that accepts all Graco Connect infant car seats with a single step attachment system. This stroller has a one-second, one-hand folding mechanism that usually catches my thumb but one day I’ll figure it out. The beautiful thing about this three-wheel stroller is that it has three wheels. In case that doesn’t help you any, a three wheel stroller is easy to maneuver making it the perfect jogging accessory. It’ll hold children weighing up to 50 pounds and is a lightweight product. It has extras like a parent tray with a phone cradle, a couple of deep cup holders and other super do-dads.
2 – Travel System
Our pick in this category makes my eyes water each time I see it in use. This Graco product is compatible with their Fast Action Fold Click Travel System. Essentially, you get a car seat that snaps into a frame and instantly becomes a baby stroller. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. This one has the same lightweight, one-second, one-hand folding thingy and lots of storage space and a pivoting child’s tray. It’s our top pick because it’s so awesome.
3 – Baby Stroller
Here’s proof that not all baby strollers are the same. This top pick of ours is another Graco product. This one will hold two children up to 50-pounds each and is compatible with the Graco Infant Car Seat system. There’s a padded bench seat so your child can stand or sit and the front seat adjusts to several different positions. There’s a child’s tray with cup holder (for that special ‘Mommy Juice’) and it even folds with one hand and has a storage latch.
4 – Tandem Stroller
Now we’re talking about some really fancy baby strollers here. This particular one accepts two Graco SnugRide Click Connect infant car seats and will hold two children up to 40-pounds each. There’s a one-hand, standing fold system that lets you juggle groceries, a baby and diaper bag and still manage to fold the stroller without bending over. There’s an easy drop down storage basket, lockable front swivel wheels, a parents tray with two deep cup holders and extra stuff to make your stroll with the twins or your kid and the neighbor’s all that more enjoyable.
5 – Light Stroller
Not to be confused with Light Sabres, these durable, stylish, lightweight baby strollers are just that. They are light, stylish and durable. The seat features a four position recline and a 5-point safety harness. Naturally I’m describing our Top Pick in this category in case you’ve just joined us. There’s a canopy that is adjustable and even removable for those days when you want your kid to get some sun. It has a new and improved easy-fold, compact storage system that even I could figure out without referring to the instructions. Oh, and there’s plenty of storage space, too.
Have I Got Your Attention Yet?
Now that you know what this website is going to be about, why not do some looking around? You know you want to. Even if it’s just to determine whether or not I actually do know what I’m talking about here. By the way, I do. If you skipped the earlier parts, I mentioned that I’m a Mom and I have this thing for baby strollers. That’s all you’re getting from me at this point. Keep coming back and I’ll probably give you some more. But until then, let’s get strolling!
Happy Shopping. We would love to hear your feedback so feel free to Contact Us with your feedback here.