About Us

Hey, I’m Suzy. That’s me on the top of the Home Page. I point that out because I’m not alone in this baby stroller website venture of mine. I have some co-conspirators.

First, there’s my Hubby. He won’t let me call him by name so for the purpose of this website, and to protect his identity from the authorities (I think he has some unpaid parking tickets) I’m going to call him The Hubinator. Sometimes I’m going to call him The Tool. I’ll leave that up to your imagination as to why I do.

My youngest son, Jack is part of this internet world I have created here. He’s just about too old to be riding in baby strollers. We have other kids but you won’t be meeting any of them, so I’ll just refer to them as The Brood.

I have two friends from work (and one day I might even tell you what I do for a living) who help me with this website. Actually, they are willing victims when it comes to testing baby strollers for review. Janie is a real go-getter. She’s a marathon runner with a little girl named Mindy. Janie helps me with the jogging stroller reviews and is also responsible for some of the mishaps we encounter thanks to her excessive drinking habit. Okay, maybe not excessive. I think poorly-timed is a better description. However, that being said, she does make any party or afternoon of stroller testing a whole lot more fun.

Beth is my other friend. She’s a single mom with a girl named Cynthia. Beth is usually a quiet, subdued gal who has a hidden personality or two. She’s also a stunning babe, if I can say that about her. Hey, I’m not bad looking myself. I know this but when Beth goes out on a stroller test she usually either ends up with a phone number or two of a single dad she somehow bumped into or just disappears. We never worry about her as she’ll show up sooner or later with stories about lunch or dinner dates that just materialized out of thin air. I secretly hate her. I also secretly wish I was her. Well, for a day or two and particularly on the days when we all were in Mexico and that guy name Juan kept hovering around Beth.

But I’ve digressed.

The goal of this website is to share with you unbiased, honest and balanced information regarding any and all baby stroller products. When my children were infants we didn’t have access to such information and I’m sure that The Hubinator and I would have either saved some money on better stroller choices or at least discussed the purchases a little more than we did at the time.

I see young mothers struggling wherever I go around this city. They need better advice and real advice from someone who has been there. That doesn’t always have to be a store clerk or customer service rep on a phone. I want to give you the information you need to help with those baby stroller purchasing decisions.

We don’t want you to just buy the one we highly recommend. We want you to learn alongside us as we stroll(er) through this journey together. I can’t do this alone, and that’s why I suckered um, requested the assistance of my friends. The last thing you need is to have to try to navigate your way through the maze of options without anyone there to guide you.

I want to be able to tell you that the one-hand, one-second folding mechanism is much more than just a gimmick. I want to be able to explain why you want a 5-point harness on a tandem stroller. I also want to be able to say that I truly tested the extra deep cup holder in the parent tray and not only did it hold my ‘special coffee’ in place, it gave me access to something I really needed that moment to get through the rest of the day.

In other words, we’re here for you.

If you would like to ask me anything about this site or the strollers and accessories I write about, feel free to contact me on my Contact Page.

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